The event represented the first in a series of discussions that have the aim of promoting not only research, innovation and technology transfer activities (especially in the context of green transition) but also tools such as the coordinated search for funds and financing for all companies and associations in the Agri livestock sector that adhere to ZAF Innovation Center.

Particular attention was paid to the NODES project, an initiative on innovation ecosystems financed by the PNRR (NEXT Generation EU) and illustrated by Professor Hermes Giberti of the University of Pavia, which involves Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the territory of Cremona and which aims to create research and industrial supply chains in seven sectors related to advanced manufacturing, including primary and secondary agro-industry. 

The primary agro-industry and the flagship project “from field to gas” was illustrated by Professor Antonio Gallo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). 

The project has a budget of over 50 million euros which will be spent through the so-called “cascade” tenders in favour of new businesses, including those in the territory of Cremona.